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Sublimaze is a brand name for the drug fentanyl. This is a potent analgesic that provides rapid pain relief for a short period of time. It is mainly used in the medical world to treat breakthrough pain, whilst also acting as a pain reliever during pre-procedures. Doctors have also used the drug as an anaesthetic alongside benzodiazepine.

The substance is more than one hundred times more potent than morphine. In total, 100 micrograms of the drug equals a total of 10mg of morphine. It is rarely used for general pain relief due to the problems caused by its side effects, as well as the risk of accidental overdose.

Recreational drug use has led to a number of fatalities over the years.

Side Effects

Immediate side effects include drowsiness and light-headedness. Higher doses can lead to a feeling of weakness and fatigue. At the same time, the drug can make the person feel elated and excited, which nearly always encourages them to continue taking the drug.

More serious side effects commonly arise when users take sublimaze with alcohol, or they suffer from an allergic reaction. Severe effects can include anything from dry mouth to problems urinating. If the taker has issues with breathing, they should seek medical help immediately as this can ultimately lead to death.

Sublimaze Addiction Treatment

Sublimaze is a drug often taken alongside other prescription drugs. The first thing involved in treatment is tailoring a treatment programme to the individual based on their specific vices. This programme is then used during counselling sessions where patients discuss their issues and what caused them initially to turn towards illicit drug use.

During counselling, therapists impart the knowledge of the various coping mechanisms needed to successfully overcome any cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Patients report significant results from this method of approaching a sublimaze addiction.

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