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Stilnox is one of the brand names for the zolpidem drug. It’s a prescription medication mainly used for treating certain brain disorders and insomnia. It is generally a short-acting drug as it kicks in within 15 minutes and dissipates from the body within a few hours. Whilst it can act as a muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant, the doses are too high for it to be considered effective. These high doses (10-20 times higher than sedation levels) are more likely to induce harmful side effects.

It has been known to cause addiction, but it is not an easy drug to find as it is only prescribed for a small number of disorders.

Side Effects

The main reason people take the drug is to experience the hallucinations caused by ingesting excessive doses of the substance. These hallucinations also cause a mild feeling of euphoria, which enhances the feeling of taking a dose of zolpidem. Side effects that are more serious include amnesia, and this amnesia only gets worse with higher doses.

Some people have reported feeling extremely restless and the inability to control their own behaviour. These compulsive effects make stilnox an extremely dangerous drug to take illicitly.

Stilnox Addiction Treatment

Addiction treatment for stilnox always targets the triggers of the addiction. These triggers often result from traumatic experiences in the affected person’s past. Professional counsellors and therapists work to bring these issues to the surface through regular counselling sessions where patients are encouraged to speak about the issues affecting them.

Doctors work alongside patients to develop a personalised care programme that dictates exactly how they are treated. Using this programme allows each person to have his or her needs met in the best possible manner. It ensures the highest chance of success because it gives them a release from their cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

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