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Symtan is a brand name for the drug dihydrocodeinone. This semi-synthetic opioid is taken orally and acts as an antitussive and analgesic narcotic. It is regularly used within clinical environments and pharmaceutical manufacturers frequently combine it with drugs such as ibuprofen and paracetamol. The drug itself is derived from the opium poppy from where thebaine and codeine are harvested. These are combined together to create symtan, which comes in syrup, capsule, and tablet forms.

Concerns over the role of paracetamol within the blend and other such drugs have prompted changes in the way pharmaceutical companies market the drug. The implementation of time-released formulas has helped immensely in the battle against addiction.

Side Effects

The side effects of this substance mainly include a feeling of drowsiness and light-headedness. The feeling of elation common with many drugs is the desired result for takers. Other less desired side effects include nausea, sweating, vomiting, and nightmares.

At higher doses, symtan can cause takers to feel anxious and lethargic. Allergic reactions can also lead to blood disorders and an elevated heartbeat. Sometimes it can cause death through respiratory depression. In the event of any of these serious side effects, it is wise to seek medical help.

Symtan Addiction Treatment

An addiction to symtan warrants an immediate stay within residential drug addiction treatment. These facilities house experienced healthcare professionals who regularly help people with curing their addictions. The main order of business is to create a tailored and flexible healthcare programme. This sees use in determining schedules and how best to deal with a person’s specific issues.

Patients regularly undergo therapy to help bring many difficult issues to the surface. By uncovering the triggers causing compulsive drug abuse, individuals feel less of a need to continue partaking in such a dangerous and life-changing habit.

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