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Discrete Rehab for Alcohol Addiction in Bilston

Last Updated: September 29th 2014

Alcohol rehab clinics and counselling in Bilston and surrounding West Midlands area. Call 0808 163 9632 for immediate access.

We are a UK-based not-for-profit addiction treatment provider offering Bilstonians free twenty four hour access in Bilston to qualified alcohol addiction treatment consultants. South of Wolverhampton, West of Walsall, North of Dudley and East of Bridgnorth, the English town of Bilston ( with 29,556 residents and 0.06% of the recorded population of England ) has Bilstonians that face the same life challenges as any other West Midlands town folk - including ongoing fights with alcohol addiction.

If you are located in (or near to) the town of Bilston and endure a life with alcoholism, know that you are not alone, and there is always hope. Like every other town in West Midlands it's not unusual for a problem with drinking to begin at a very young age or at a later stage in life.

With 24,131 Bilstonians of drinking age out of it's total populace of 29,556, National figures seem to indicate that for Bilston:

  • 1,630 Bilston males are habitual drinkers
  • 1,088 female Bilstonians are frequent drinkers
  • 2,611 Bilston men and women are drinking alcohol to excess
  • 4,864 Bilstonians in the town of sixty five and over
  • 549 men in Bilston aged 65 and over are expected to drink alcohol habitually
  • 347 female Bilstonians of similar age also consuming alcohol regularly .
  • 875 Bilstonians over 65 consumed alcohol on at least 5 days in the last 7 days : a higher number than any other group
  • 146 Bilstonians aged sixty five and older that could be abusing alcohol
  • 563 school children in Bilston might have drunk alcohol in the last seven days
  • 164 11-15 year old Bilstonians in the town drink regularily every week
  • 9 eleven year olds in Bilston think it is normal to be drunk weekly.
  • 166 15 year old Bilstonians think it's normal practice to get drunk once in a week
  • 375 sixteen to twenty four men-folk in Bilston might be drinking over double the government alcohol intake guidelines.
  • 319 sixteen to twenty four year olds could also be drinking too much
  • 939 sixteen to twenty four year old Bilstonians have perhaps drunk very heavily at least once in the last 7 days.


  1. Health and Social Care Information Centre - Statistics on Alcohol: England, 2013
  2. Office for National Statistics - Drinking Habits Amongst Adults, 2012
  3. Drink Aware
  4. Office for National Statistics - Marriages in England and Wales (Provisional)
  5. Relate - Separation and Divorce Statistics

Alcohol Rehab in Bilston

If you are located in Bilston in West Midlands and are needing to enter alcohol rehabilition, why not call AH this instant for instant advice. Email Addiction Helpline in private using the form on this page. Addiction Helpline's Bilston support line is open to all, including family, friends, managers and workmates who find themselves concerned that in which alcohol addiction is affecting someone they care for. Calls to our Bilston services are strictly confidential. AH will never share details about you you provide with anyone else. Our Bilston addiction help team are fully qualified to deal with any type of addiction related problem.

AH alcohol rehabilitation options include:

  • Alcohol Rehab: fast access to a treatment clinic in Bilston ( in under twenty four hours )
  • West Midlands Home Detox: At home outpatient drug based alcohol rehab plan
  • West Midlands Residential Detox: Residential inpatient detoxification programs in Bilston
  • Private Counselling: At home advisory services in Bilston
  • West Midlands Alcohol Guidance: Guidance on all Bilston based alcoholism support services
  • Addiction Help Line can help Bilstonians in cutting through West Midlands health board red tape and get you rapid experienced guidance and support.

Make today the day you help yourself or someone you care about. You're only one telephone call away from success.

Call 0808 16 39 632 to talk to a support worker, right now.

Getting Help for a Friend

Do you know someone you suspect may have some sort of addiction problem? If so, you are not alone. Addiction is a growing problem across the UK – a problem that touches people of every age, sex, race, and income level. What’s more, addiction is not confined to just drugs and alcohol. People can be addicted to behaviours that include gambling, overeating and sex.

As the friend of someone suffering from addiction, you are concerned about that person’s well-being and safety. Yet you may not know what it is you can do to help. That’s understandable. Addiction Helpline is here to answer those questions and provide the support services you need.

Signs of Addiction

Every case of addiction is different. That said, there are some common signs of addiction that are fairly accurate in drawing the line between abuse and addiction. Some of the more common signs you can look for include:

  • inexplicable mood swings
  • personality changes, including increased secrecy
  • a change in social circles
  • changes in physical appearance, especially weight loss
  • unexplained absences for long periods of time
  • unexplained instances of missing personal property.

If you have observed any of these signs in relation to your friend, he or she may be addicted to some substance or compulsive behaviour. You should consider getting in touch with Addiction Helper as soon as you can. The more quickly you get involved, the greater the chances of helping your friend overcome his or her addiction.

If you read the above signs and you are still not sure, call us anyway. We can advise you on the proper course of action based on what you tell us. We will advise you where to find professional help if that’s appropriate.

Your Friend Must Help Him or Herself

It is important for you to understand that no matter how much you care for your friend, you can do nothing for him or her until they are ready to help themself. They need to come to a place where they have had enough of their addiction and are ready to change their ways. This is sometimes referred to as ‘hitting rock bottom’.

You may be able to encourage him or her to reach that place through something known as an intervention. An intervention confronts the individual and forces them to come face-to-face with their addiction. Most importantly, it forces them to realise that their addictive behaviour is harming other people.

If an intervention is successful, your friend will see the place they are in and make the decision to accept help. At that point, you need to act quickly. Therefore, it is important for you to find out what the treatment options are prior to conducting an intervention. That way you can get your friend into rehab before they change their mind.

What We Do

Addiction Helpline is an independent referral service helping addicts, their families and their friends access a full compendium of addiction recovery services. We take all of the hassle out of arranging addiction recovery by doing the work for you. You will be pleased to know that all of the assistance we provide is both confidential and free of charge.

When you call us on behalf of your addicted friend, we will apprise you of all of the available options for treatment. We can even connect you with services that will help the addict’s family. When your friend eventually does make the decision to come clean, we can even help make admissions, payment, and transportation arrangements.

You do not have to do the legwork to find an appropriate treatment centre or program. Let us handle that. All we need do is call us on the phone or send us an e-mail. Doing so could be the most important thing you have ever done for your friend.


TAGS: Bilston, alcohol rehab, 3 day drug detox, Wolverhampton | Ref:66824,131


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