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Inpatient Alcohol Addiction Rehab in Oxford

Last Updated: November 22nd 2014

Alcohol rehab clinics and counselling in Oxford and surrounding Oxfordshire area. Call 0808 163 9632 for immediate access.

Our group is a UK-based not-for-profit alcohol treatment service provider supplying to Oxford townspeople FREE 24 HR access in Oxford to fully qualified alcohol addiction treatment counselors. With the oldest university in the English-speaking world, the English city of Oxford ( with 159,994 residents and 0.30%% of the populace of England ) has Oxford townspeople that face similar problems as any other Oxfordshire folk - including ongoing fights with addiction to alcohol.

If you are resident in (or close to) the city of Oxford and have a problem with alcohol, know that you're not alone, and that we are here to help.

With 130,628 Oxford townspeople that can drink out of it's total population of 159,994, National statistics would suggest that for Oxford:

  • 8,823 Oxford males are regular drinkers
  • 5,891 female Oxford townspeople are regular drinkers
  • 14,133 Oxford males and females are drinking alcohol to excess
  • With 26,328 Oxford townspeople in the city of sixty five and over, 2,970 men in Oxford aged 65 and over are expected to drink alcohol habitually with 1,878 female Oxford townspeople of the same age also consuming alcohol habitually .
  • 4,739 Oxford townspeople over sixty five consumed alcohol on at least 5 days in the last week ; more than any other age group
  • 790 Oxford townspeople aged sixty five and older that could be very heavy drinkers
  • 3,050 school children in Oxford might have consumed alcohol in the last 7 days
  • 889 11-15 yr old Oxford townspeople in the city drink weekly
  • 51 eleven year olds in Oxford think it is normal to be drunk weekly.
  • 897 15 year old Oxford townspeople think it's normal practice to get drunk once in a week
  • 2,031 sixteen to twenty four males in Oxford could be drinking over double the medical alcohol consumption guidelines.
  • 1,726 16-24 year olds could also be exceeding safe drinking guidelines
  • 5,082 sixteen to twenty four year old Oxford townspeople have perhaps drunk too much at least once during the previous 7 days.


  1. Office for National Statistics - Marriages in England and Wales (Provisional)
  2. Health and Social Care Information Centre - Statistics on Alcohol: England, 2013
  3. Office for National Statistics - Drinking Habits Amongst Adults, 2012
  4. Relate - Separation and Divorce Statistics
  5. Drink Aware
  6. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcohol Rehab in Oxford

If you are located in Oxford in Oxfordshire and are looking to enter alcohol rehab, why not telephone us today for immediate guidance. Email Addiction Helpline in confidence using the contact form on this page. Addiction Helpline's Oxford support line is open to everyone, including family members, friends, managers and associates who are concerned with the way in which in which alcohol addiction is ruining a person they care about. Calls to our Oxford services are strictly confidential. Addiction Helpline will not share information about you with any third party. Our Oxford addiction help team are fully prepared to help with any type of addiction related issue.

AH alcohol rehabilitation options include:

  • Alcohol Rehab: immediate access to a rehab clinic in Oxford ( in under 24 HRs )
  • Counselling: At home counselling service in Oxford
  • Oxfordshire Home Detox: At home outpatient drug based detoxification plan
  • Oxfordshire Alcohol Advice: Guidance on all Oxford based addiction services
  • Addiction Helpline (AH) can help Oxford townspeople cut out the Oxfordshire local health board red tape and plan for you fast expert support.
  • Oxfordshire Residential Detox: Residential in-patient detox programs in Oxford

Make today the day you help yourself or someone you love. You are only a five minute phonecall away from success.

Contact us on 8081639632 to speak to an advisor, right now.

Alcohol Interventions

Alcohol abuse and addiction are problems that affect not only the drinker, but also everyone around him/her. That’s why it is painful to stand by while a loved one or friend continues living a life controlled by alcohol. If you are concerned about someone who may have an alcohol problem, you can do something by way of an intervention.

Alcohol interventions are a way of holding up a mirror of sorts; a mirror that encourages the alcoholic to honestly assess how his or her behaviour is harming him/herself and others. You see, an alcoholic’s thinking is so clouded by the effects of excessive drinking that he or she is unable to see things clearly. An intervention attempts to break through that fog into the realm of reality.

If you think an intervention may be appropriate for your loved one, there are a couple of options:

  1. Professional Assistance – There are a significant number of professional counsellors and alcohol rehab specialists who offer assistance in conducting interventions. They meet with the intervention team, advise them in planning a strategy, and lead the intervention when the time comes. Professional assistance can be very beneficial if you are not comfortable conducting an intervention on your own.

  1. Independent Intervention – Your second option is to learn all the facts about alcohol interventions before conducting it on your own. By ‘on your own’, we mean without the direct assistance of a professional. It still requires a team of individuals willing to work together.

Experts suggest the intervention team be made up of family members, close friends, and, when appropriate, employers or co-workers. Each team member must be close enough to the individual to have a personal impact. Individuals the alcoholic barely knows are not likely to be helpful.

How the Intervention Works

When it is time to conduct an intervention, everyone gathers in a neutral place to avoid a confrontational atmosphere. A neutral place may be in the office of a professional counsellor, at a public park, or at the home of an individual not participating in the event.

Each member of the intervention team then takes his or her turn addressing the alcoholic. It should be done in an orderly and deliberate manner to avoid confusion or the possibility of passions running too high. Remember that in intervention is intended to be helpful, not chase the alcoholic away.

In most cases, an intervention that has been well planned and executed will result in the alcoholic at least acknowledging he or she has a problem. In a best-case scenario, he/she will also agree to seek help at the same time. From there the intervention team must be ready to act immediately to get the alcoholic admitted to a programme.

Tips for Conducting an Intervention

It is always a good idea to seek some advice from a professional even if you intend to conduct an independent intervention. In the meantime, here are some helpful tips to consider:

  • Time – Experts suggest you limit the intervention to between 60 and 90 minutes. Going longer only opens the door to emotions getting out of control. A shorter time limit may not allow all of the team members to properly address the alcoholic.

  • Letters – An intervention can be a very stressful event that makes it difficult for team members to get their points across clearly. Sometimes writing a letter to the individual, prior to the intervention, is helpful. Team members can then simply read their letters aloud when their turn comes.

  • Focus – There is some debate as to whether or not comments from team members should focus on the self-destructive nature of alcohol addiction or the harm the addict is doing to others. That said, the fact that alcoholics have already demonstrated little regard for their own personal health suggests focusing on the harm they are doing to others is a better strategy.

  • Tone – It is very important, when addressing the addict, not to be accusatory or judgemental. It is fine for your emotions to be involved, but if the alcoholic believes he or she is being accused they are likely to reject the message being delivered. Your tone should be firm but not judgemental, compassionate without being enabling.

Remember that the point of an intervention is to bring the alcoholic to a place where he or she is ready to seek treatment. That means you must be very deliberate in your actions. When an intervention team goes into action without a deliberate plan or strategy, the situation can very quickly get out of control. This obviously does not help.

After the Intervention

At the conclusion of an intervention, the team is often left to wonder what to do next. There are couple of options depending on how the alcoholic reacts.

If the alcoholic completely rejects the intervention outright, there’s not much more you can do for the time being. Nevertheless, do not throw up your hands and assume you have failed. Immediately start planning for a second intervention, then wait for the right time to try again.

If the intervention results in the alcoholic admitting he or she has a problem but not agreeing to treatment, you might recommend they see a counsellor for just one session. Suggest that a professional counsellor might be able to help the alcoholic sort out his or her thoughts so that they can decide, for themself, what to do.

Lastly, if an intervention results in a definite willingness to seek treatment, someone on the team should be ready with a list of treatment options. It is important to take advantage of this decision right away, before the alcoholic changes his/her mind.

How We Can Help

We can help you by lending our expertise in the area of rehab clinics and alcohol treatment programmes. We work with some of the best private clinics throughout the UK as well as various alcohol charities. We also make it a point to stay abreast of the rehab services offered by the NHS, various support groups, and professional counselling organisations.

When you get in touch with us, we will assist you by assessing your circumstances, recommending the most appropriate treatment options, and providing details about things like financing, transportation, and treatment length. When it is time to make admission arrangements, we can help with that as well.

Please know that all of the services we offer are fully confidential and completely free. Our number one goal is to assist alcoholics and their loved ones in obtaining the treatment they need. We want to help you in any way we can.



Recover from Addiction in Oxford

There are some high quality addiction recovery resources available in the Oxford area. This is why rehab programmes in Oxfordshire not only attract local people, but also those from elsewhere in the UK and beyond. There are a number of different types of addiction treatment to choose from, and it is important that you choose the resources that are most likely to work for you. Our team has a great deal of expertise when it comes to addiction treatment planning. We will help you find the recovery path that is most likely to work for you. Just call us now, or simply text the word “help” to 66777.

How to Get the Most Out of Rehab

Rehab is an excellent option for people who are serious about ending their addiction problems, but there are no guarantees that it is always going to work. This is because the individual will not to put in sufficient effort and have the right attitude in order to get the most out of the programme. If the person who enters the programme remains resistant to what is being offered then it is unlikely that they will benefit much from their time in rehab. It is always going to be up to the individual to make treatment work for them, and they will do this by:

  • · The individual must be proactive in their recovery. They cannot just enter rehab as passive participants and expect the therapists to fix them. It is important for the person to view these professionals as members of their team, and it is up to them to lead this team towards success.
  • · It does not matter how good the resources are in a rehab if the individual does not make use of them. The individual needs to choose the resources that are going to work for them and put these to good use.
  • · The most important task that the individual has during their stay in rehab is to prepare for the return home. It is no good for them to learn how to stay sober in rehab because they are not going to be spending the rest of their life in rehab. The person needs to begin preparing for the return home from day one, and they need to do everything possible to ensure that this transition occurs as smoothly as possible.
  • · It is vital that the individual has an open mind (beginner’s mind) during their stay in rehab. They need to resist the urge to just say no to things, and they should never say no to things out of hand. It can often be the options that the person initially feels most resistant to that turn out to be the most beneficial.
  • · You need to remember to have fun in rehab, and you should definitely not treat it like some type of prison sentence. The staff members make a real effort to make these programme fun because it is so important. If you are overly serious all the time, it is going to sap your motivation. You also need to keep in mind that you do not get sober to feel miserable. The danger is that the individual may be deliberately avoiding the fun of sobriety, so they can later have a justification to relapse.
  • · If you have a private room, it is important that you do not spend too much time alone in there. This is called isolating, and it will prevent you from getting the most out of the programme. By staying alone in their room, the person is really treating the whole thing like some type of punishment.

Now that you know how to get the most out of rehab, you will be ready to take this next step Call us now on 0800 140 4824 to find out more about your rehab options in the Oxford area.

TAGS: Banbury, Aylesbury, Newbury, Cheltenham, Oxford, alcohol detox, alcohol rehabilitation centre, City of Oxford | Ref:927130,628


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