Residential Alcohol Addiction Centres in Leeds
Last Updated: May 12th 2015
Many people have seen their lives fall apart due to addiction, be it to drugs, alcohol or gambling, and at great cost.
There are alcohol rehab centres in Leeds and the surrounding West Yorkshire area providing counselling and advice. Call 0808 163 9632 for immediate access.
Addiction Helpline is at the centre of alcohol rehab. UK based nonprofit groups such as ours run alcohol treatment programs, to help the people of Leeds. Loiners can have FREE 24 HR access to our alcohol rehabilitation centres, and benefit from the knowledge and experience of local detoxification mentors.
A major mill community in the industrial revolution, the city of Leeds in the North of England is the third biggest city in the UK. It is home to 474,632 residents, which is around 0.90%% of the recorded population of England. The people of Leeds often face the same challenges as other West Yorkshire residents, including fighting an addiction to alcohol.
If you live in the city of Leeds and struggle with addiction, then you dont have to fight alone. AH addiction treatment centres have various programs, using the leading advisors and counselors, to assist you.
With 387,516 Loiners that can drink out of it's population of 474,632, National statistics might indicate that for Leeds:
- 26,173 Leeds males are regular drinkers
- 17,477 female Loiners are frequent drinkers
- 41,926 Leeds males and females are very frequent drinkers
- With 78,104 Loiners in the city of pensionable age and over, 8,811 men in Leeds aged sixty five and older are expected to drink alcohol very often with 5,571 female Loiners of similar age also drinking frequently .
- 14,059 Loiners aged sixty five and over drunk alcohol on at least 5 days in the last 7 days : a higher total than any other age group
- 2,343 Loiners over 65 that may be very heavy drinkers
- 9,047 pupils in Leeds may have had alcohol in the past 7 days
- 2,638 11-15 year old Loiners in the city drink regularily every week
- 151 eleven year olds in Leeds think it is okay to drink alcohol weekly.
- 2,660 15 year old Loiners think it's okay to get drunk once in a week
- 6,026 sixteen to twenty four men-folk in Leeds may be consuming over double the recommended alcohol intake guidelines.
- 5,121 sixteen to twenty four year olds could also be drinking too much
- 15,077 16-24 year old Loiners have perhaps drunk very heavily on at least one occasion during the past seven days.
- Office for National Statistics - Marriages in England and Wales (Provisional)
- Health and Social Care Information Centre - Statistics on Alcohol: England, 2013
- Office for National Statistics - Drinking Habits Amongst Adults, 2012
- Relate - Separation and Divorce Statistics
- Drink Aware
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Alcohol Rehab in Leeds
If you are living in Leeds in West Yorkshire and wish to enter alcohol rehabilition, why not telephone us now for immediate guidance? Email our alcohol rehab centres in private using the form on this page. Our support line is open to all, including family, friends, employers and workmates who are concerned about how alcohol is affecting a person they care about. Calls to our alcohol rehabilitation centres in Leeds are strictly confidential. Addiction Helpline will not share your details with any third party. Be assured our staff are also qualified to deal with any type of alcohol related issue.
The services available at our alcohol treatment centres include:
- Alcohol Rehab: quick access to a treatment clinic in Leeds ( within 24 HRs )
- 121 Counselling: At home counselling service in Leeds
- West Yorkshire Home Detox: At home outpatient drug based alcohol treatment plans
- West Yorkshire Addictions Guidance: Advice on all Leeds based addiction services
- Addiction Helpline (AH) can help Loiners bypass West Yorkshire local health board red tape and plan for you instant expert help and assistance.
- West Yorkshire Residential Detox: Residential inpatient alcohol detoxification plans in Leeds
Make today the day you help yourself or someone you love. You are only a 5 minute telephone call away from success.
Call 0808 16 39 632 to talk to a member of our team, today.
Drug & Alcohol Rehab Help
One of the best options for people living with an addiction to drugs, be it smoking canabis, or taking heroin or cocaine, is to enter an alcohol or drug residential treatment programme. Unfortunately, most of the people who would benefit from this type of drug rehab treatment may feel some resistance to the idea. The individual can remain convinced that they will be able to sort out their own problems, even if they have failed to do so in the past. In other cases, the individual will be ambivalent towards recovery, and may not feel ready to accept a solution to their problems.
There are many good reasons why people stay at our alcohol or drug rehab centres, including:
- Our drug rehab centres invaribaly provide a reliable detox service. This means that the individual can be taken through the withdrawal process safely – this is particularly important for those people who are at risk of experiencing severe symptoms. The fact that a person staying at one of our drug rehab clinics will be closely monitored through their withdrawal should also mean that they would find things to be more comfortable. This is important because it is at this stage that most people will give up when they try to quit.
- This type of programme provides the individual with a nurturing and therapeutic environment. This amplifies their determination and motivation.
- When the individual is in a residential programme, they will be protected from the usual stresses and strains of daily living. This means that they will not be facing the usual triggers that they use as justification for the alcohol or drug abuse. The individual will be able to put all their attention on getting sober, and this will greatly increase their chances of being successful.
- One of the great things about this type of treatment is that someone entering our drug rehabilitation centres will always have the utmost support. It is usual for people to have both high and low points at the beginning of their recovery, and by staying in rehab the person will always have somebody to turn to for support.
- The fact that the person is willing to enter rehab is a strong signal that they are serious about ending addiction. Family and friends will not only welcome this signal, but the individual is also sending a signal to their own mind that the game is up.
- By staying in this type of programme the individual will have access to all the resources they are going to need in order to stay sober.
- The person will get to benefit from therapy sessions (group and one to one) where they can explore the driving forces behind their addiction.
- The individual will have the opportunity to develop important life skills and coping strategies. These are vital because the usual reason for why people relapse in early recovery is that they feel unable to cope with things.
What to Expect in Drug and Alcohol Rehab
One of the common reasons for why people will feel resistant to the idea of rehab is fear of what it is going to involve. The individual may have picked up all types of unhelpful misconceptions about this treatment option, and this will be the cause of their concern. Here are some of the things that people can expect when they enter this type of programme:
- Almost all rehabs offer a high level of comfort to clients. This is something that these facilities take seriously because it is understood that if the individual is not comfortable in their environment, they will be unable to get the most out of the experience. Some of these facilities offer a level of comfort that is similar to what you might find in a top hotel or resort while others will offer a more homely experience.
- When you enter this programme, you will be treated with respect and dignity. Those who work in this type of unit will offer their services in a non-judgmental approach, and they will be there to help you in a collaborative manner. These service providers will be expected to behave professionally, but this does not mean that they will be cold or unfriendly.
- Some rehabs provide clients with their own rooms and some do not. This decision is not just based on the availability of beds but also on the philosophy of the unit. The concern is that if the individual has their own room they may try to isolate, and this will prevent them from getting the most out of the programme. Other rehabs see this as less of a problem, but they may expect that the individual will share a room during the detox stage.
- Each rehab will have its own philosophy and this will influence the type of treatments that are on offer. Some facilities will be committed to promoting one particular approach (for example, the 12 steps or cognitive behavioural therapy) while others will offer a mix of different approaches based on the needs of the client.
- The programmes will differ in how long they last, and this can be anywhere from 10 days to two years.
Signs of Drug Addiction
The Rise of Addiction Problems in the UK
Addiction problems are on the rise in the UK, and in most other parts of the world. This is something that is affecting people from all walks of life and different age groups – no group in society is immune. In recent years, there has been growing concern about the amount of prescription medication addiction, and there seems to be a steady rise in other types of addictive behaviour.
Once people fall into addictive behaviours, their life will begin to deteriorate. The longer they remain addicted the more they will end up losing. It is therefore vital that individual is able to stop this behaviour as soon as possible. One of the difficulties of breaking away from addiction is that the person can be so caught up in denial. They can believe that it is alcohol or drugs that are helping them cope with their increasing problems in life, and they completely miss the reality that it is the substance abuse that is the cause of most of their problems. If the signs of addiction can be recognised, it may mean that the individual is able to break away from this behaviour sooner.
How to Tell If Somebody Is Addicted to Drugs
It is usually the case that loved ones will spot the signs of addiction long before the individual is willing to consider this possibility. Some of the most common sings that a person has fallen into this type behaviour would include:
- The individual is behaving in a secretive manner. They may keep strange hours and seem reluctant to talk about where they have been.
- The person seems to have severe mood swings.
- They appear intoxicated regularly.
- They appear to be hallucinating.
- There may be times when they become very talkative but the things they are saying do not make much sense.
- They are having financial difficulties for no obvious reason. They may try to borrow money from family and friends.
- They regularly appear to be sick in the morning.
- Unexplained absences from work.
- The individual may have lost interest in activities they used to enjoy.
- They have started spending time with a new group of people, and they no longer seem to have time for their old friends.
- They spend an increasing amount of time talking about alcohol or drugs.
- They are unable to remember things that happened the night before.
- They are getting into trouble at work, school, or college. There is a noticeable decline in their performance, and they are failing to take care of their responsibilities.
- They become defensive if their behaviour is brought into question. This is often a sign that they are in denial.
- Items or money is going missing from the home. This may mean that the individual is stealing from their family in order to feed their habit.
- There are strange smells in the person’s room or from their clothing.
- They have lost interest in personal hygiene and grooming.
- Symptoms of depression
- The individual may appear to be paranoid at times.
- Temper tantrums and increased argumentativeness
- Spending increasing amounts of time alone.
Some of these symptoms may be a sign that the individual is dealing with a mental health problem, so this is something that should be considered as well.
High Functioning Drug Abusers
It is important to understand that some substance abusers will be better at hiding the signs of their addiction than others. There can be high functioning drug abusers who are able to put on an outward show of respectability. These individuals may be very successful in life and well respected by their family members, work colleagues, peers, and community. This person is able to justify their substance abuse with the idea that they work hard so they should get to play hard. Some of the symptoms of drug addiction will be there, but they can be harder to spot – as time goes by though, these symptoms will become more obvious.
Signs that You Are Addicted to Drugs
Even if the whole world is convinced that you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, it will not make much difference until you are able to see this for yourself. Once you are able to recognise the symptoms of addiction you will hopefully become more receptive to getting help. These signs will include:
- You have tried to reduce your intake, or stop completely, but have failed to achieve this goal. If you are not addicted, it should be relatively easy for you to stop.
- You suffer withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop or cut down your use of the substance.
- You have developed a tolerance for the substance – you need to take more to get the same effect.
- You suspect that your life would be better if you did not abuse these substances.
- Other people have expressed concern about your behaviour.
- You continue to use drugs even though it is obviously causing problems in your life.
- You have periods of remorse because of this behaviour.
- You are failing to meet your work, family, educational, or social responsibilities because of this behaviour.
How to Deal with the Signs of Drug Addiction
If you (or someone you love) are exhibiting the signs of addiction then help is likely to be needed to deal with this problem. We are experts in the role of addiction treatment planning and rehab placement, and we will be happy to go over your option with you.
Now is the Time to End Your Addiction Problems in Leeds
If you make the decision to continue with alcohol or drug abuse, you will be taking a huge risk. It is now generally accepted that nobody ever chooses to become addicted, but this does not mean that he or she is not responsible for ending the behaviour. The only person who can decide when the addiction ends is you, and by failing to stop now, you will be risking your life. There are some high quality addiction recovery options available in the Leeds area, and we will be able to help you choose the options that are most likely to work for you. Call us now on 0800 140 4824 to hear about how we can help you.
Do You Need to Hit Rock Bottom Before Quitting Addiction?
There are plenty of stories of how people were able to recover from addiction after they hit rock bottom. This has led to a great deal of confusion as to what this all means – should the individual wait until they hit rock bottom before they attempt to stop? This kind of thinking occurs because of misunderstanding what is meant by the word “rock bottom.” This is not some special place in the addiction downwards spiral when the individual is suddenly able to quit the behaviour. In fact, waiting to hit rock bottom is one of the worst things that the person can do because the thing that will be waiting for them is death. The truth is that the only rock bottom that exists is inside the person’s own head. It refers to the moment when they decide that enough is enough, and they decide to quit.
Rock bottom is a subjective experience that can occur at any time during the addiction process. The thing that causes it to occur is the individual’s own decision that it has occurred. When the person decides that they are fed up of feeling sick and tired, this will mean that they have hit their rock bottom. It is always their choice to decide on when this is going to be. Some people will have a high rock bottom, and this means that they will see the writing on the wall and decide that they do not want to lose any more. The situation is sometimes described as being similar to going down in a lift inside a building. As the passenger inside this lift goes downwards, they will notice that each floor is getting progressively less appealing. It is up to them to decide on where they want to get off.
As part of the rock bottom myth, the individual may somehow get the idea that the lower they go the stronger their recovery will be afterwards. This is a dangerous idea because if the individual goes low enough they can cross the line of new return. There is no reason for why the individual will be in a better position to stop in the future, and the duration of the addiction is no real indicator of the success they will have in recovery. If the person persists with the behaviour it could mean that even if they do become sober, they will be dealing with irreparable damage.
Find Addiction Help in Leeds
The best time to stop your addiction problems is right now – why would you want to waste any more of your life to this less than optimal way of living? We will be able to help you find appropriate addiction recovery resources in Leeds, and this will give you a strong foundation for your recovery. Call us right now, or simply text the word “help” to 66777 and wait for us to call you back. Even if you still do not feel ready to break away from the addiction, it will be helpful for you to at least know your options.
TAGS: Bramley, Harehills, Holbeck, Pudsey, Leeds, alcohol detox, residential rehab, City of Leeds | Ref:868387,516