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Residential Alcohol Addiction Clinics in Gillingham

Last Updated: November 23rd 2014

Alcohol rehab clinics and counselling in Gillingham and surrounding Kent area. Call 0808 163 9632 for immediate access.

Our network is a UK not-for-profit health care service delivering to Medwayers FREE 24 hr access in Gillingham to fully qualified alcohol treatment staff. Located in the Blackmore Vale area, the English town of Gillingham ( with 104,157 residents and 0.20%% of the population of England ) has Medwayers that deal with similar problems as any other Kent resident - and that includes problems with alcohol addiction.

If you are staying in or near the town of Gillingham and endure a life with alcohol, be assured that you're not alone, and Addiction Helpline counselors are here to help.

With 85,040 Medwayers of drinking age out of it's total populace of 104,157, Nationwide statistics could suggest that for Gillingham:

  • 5,744 Gillingham men are frequent drinkers
  • 3,835 female Medwayers are regular drinkers
  • 9,201 Gillingham females and males are drinking alcohol to excess
  • With 17,140 Medwayers in the town of 65 and over, 1,934 men in Gillingham aged sixty five and older are expected to drink frequently with 1,223 female Medwayers of similar age also consuming alcohol frequently .
  • 3,085 Medwayers aged sixty five and over drunk alcohol on at least 5 days or more in the week before : more than any other group
  • 514 Medwayers of pensionable age that may be very heavy drinkers
  • 1,985 school children in Gillingham could have consumed alcohol in the last 7 days
  • 579 11-15 year old Medwayers in the town drink regularily every week
  • 33 eleven year olds in Gillingham think it is acceptable to drink alcohol weekly.
  • 584 15 year old Medwayers think it is acceptable to get drunk once a week
  • 1,322 16-24 males in Gillingham may be drinking more than 2x the medical alcohol intake guidelines.
  • 1,124 sixteen to twenty four year olds could also be exceeding safe drinking recommendations
  • 3,309 16-24 year old Medwayers have drunk too much on at least one occasion in the last 7 days.


  1. Office for National Statistics - Marriages in England and Wales (Provisional)
  2. Health and Social Care Information Centre - Statistics on Alcohol: England, 2013
  3. Office for National Statistics - Drinking Habits Amongst Adults, 2012
  4. Relate - Separation and Divorce Statistics
  5. Drink Aware
  6. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcohol Rehab in Gillingham

If you stay in Gillingham in Kent and are looking to enter alcohol rehab, you can phone AH this instant for immediate guidance. Email Addiction Helpline in confidence using the form on this page. Our Gillingham support line is open to everyone, including family members, friends, managers and workmates who find themselves concerned that in which addiction is affecting someone they care about. Calls to our Gillingham services are confidential. Addiction Helpline will never share details about you about you with anyone else. Our Gillingham addiction advisory staff are knowledgable to help with any type of alcohol related challenge.

Addiction Helpline alcohol rehab services include:

  • Alcohol Rehab: fast access to a rehabilitation clinic in or near Gillingham ( within 24hrs )
  • Counselling: At home counselling service in Gillingham
  • Kent Home Detox: At home outpatient drug based alcohol treatment plan
  • Kent Alcohol Guidance: Advice on all Gillingham based addiction services
  • We can help Medwayers bypass Kent local health board red tape and get you rapid expert assistance and support.
  • Kent Residential Detox: Residential inpatient alcohol detox programs in Gillingham

Make today the day you rescue yourself or someone you love. You are one quick phonecall away from support.

Call 0808 16 39 632 to speak to an advisor, right now.

Addiction Treatment Guide

[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction affects million of people every year across the UK from every walk of live from teenagers experimenting with drugs to professionals like lawyers, doctors and city officials who have been known to use drugs in the workplace. To get an understanding of drug addiction the first thing you should do is understand the facts of why the addiction is so widespread then look for the signs of drug addiction.

Once an addiction to drugs has been discovered the most efficient way of  finding long term success is to take part in a drug detox & drug rehab program. [/column] [column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a huge problem in the UK due to the easy accessibility of cheap alcohol oh any street corner or supermarket. The good news is a range of alcohol addiction treatment options are available in the UK from counselling  with alcoholic anonymous groups right up to alcohol rehab centres which often provide the best chance of long term success. Our alcohol addiction team are very experienced in finding the correct treatment for anyone affected by alcohol addiction and as always all calls are 100% free and completely confidential. [/column]

Once any rehab treatment or outpatient treatment is completed we offer a full  extended care service.

Find the Right Treatment for Addiction

There are different approaches to addiction recovery, and in order for you to have the best possible chance at success you will need to choose the one that is most appropriate for you. It is important to always keep in mind that the key factor in determining whether you will be able to achieve lasting sobriety will be your own determination. If you are in any way ambivalent towards recovery, by still holding onto the hope that you will one day be able to use alcohol or drugs safely again, it will be doubtful that any treatment option will work for you. Therefore, while it is true that it is best for you to find a suitable addiction treatment approach, the key ingredient will always be you.

The Need for Addiction Treatments for Recovery

Things would be much easier if there was one approach to recovery that worked for everyone. The reality is that so far such an approach has not been found, and this means that different treatments have become available to suit different types of people. This need for different paths away from addiction is reflected in treatments offered by rehab programmes – although some will offer an eclectic mix of approaches.

As mentioned above, the most important factor, when it comes to walking away from addiction, will be the person’s own determination, but the type of treatment they choose will also play a major role. If the individual chooses an approach that is not really suitable for their needs, they may resist what is being offered or just not connect with it. An example of this would be the 12 Step programme. This approach is used by many rehabs because it has such a good track record of helping people break away from addiction permanently. There will be people, though, who are resistant to the spiritual emphasis of this type of approach, and they may well do better by choosing something such as a cognitive behavioural therapy path.

It is important to keep in mind that there is no right or wrong path to recovery – just the path that is going to work best for each person. Our job is to help you decide on the treatment approach that is going to work best for you.

We can discuss your needs and what is available to meet these needs if you call right now on 0808 163 9632.

Examples of the Treatments available for Addiction Recovery

There are many different treatments available to help people break away from addiction problems. Some of the most common approaches that you will see used in rehab will include:

  • Milieu Therapy/therapeutic community/therapeutic environment – all residential rehabs offer this to some extent. It means that you will be staying in an environment that is nurturing and will thus magnify your ability and determination to become sober.
  • Motivational interviewing – this is where a therapist will work with you to increase your self-efficacy (belief in your ability to stay sober). This type of motivational sessions can be of great benefit even to those people who are initially resistant towards recovery.
  • Group therapy – this is common to almost all rehab programmes. It involves all residents sitting around and discussing their issues – they work as a unit to find solutions to problems. Most rehabs will have one group therapy session per day, and some will have more than this.
  • 12 Step Fellowship meetings – even when people are staying in rehab, they may be expected to attend 12 step groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Some rehabs will even have their own meetings on the premises.
  • 12 Step work – there are many rehabilitation programmes that use the Minnesota Model, and this involves using the tools of the 12 Steps to help people create a firm foundation for their recovery. This could include things like life story and making amends.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy/social learning theory – the tools from these approaches can be used to help the individual gain control over their thought processes.
  • One-to-one therapy is the process where the individual spends time with a therapist. These sessions will be used to discuss the person’s progress, and to dig down to the roots of the addiction.
  • Key worker sessions – in most rehabs the one-to-one session will be carried out by a key worker. This is a member of the therapeutic team that is the named person for the resident throughout their stay – in order words it is with the therapist that they will spend most of the time.
  • Skills workshops – these can include things like assertiveness training and anger management. These workshops are important because many of those who fall into addiction will be lacking important life skills.
  • Relapse prevention workshops – these sessions will help the person avoid the common traps that people fall into when they become sober.
  • Reintegration back to the community workshops – these are very important because the transition from rehab to be home can be a tricky time.
  • Aftercare sessions – it is important that a rehab offers some type of aftercare programme. Those individuals who are following the 12 Steps may find the aftercare they need from the fellowship meetings.
  • Fun activities – fun activities can be an important part of recovery.

As you can see, there are many things to consider in regards to treatment for addiction. With our help, you will be able to find a solution that is most likely to work for you. Do not waste any more time. Telephone us now, or text “help” to 66777 and we will get right back to you.


TAGS: Chattenden, Isle of Sheppey, Maidstone, Rochester, Gillingham, alcohol rehab, home alcohol detox methods, Medway | Ref:80085,040


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Residential Alcohol Addiction Clinics in Gillingham

Last Updated: November 23rd 2014

Alcohol rehab clinics and counselling in Gillingham and surrounding Kent area. Call 0808 163 9632 for immediate access.

Our network is a UK not-for-profit health care service delivering to Medwayers FREE 24 hr access in Gillingham to fully qualified alcohol treatment staff. Located in the Blackmore Vale area, the English town of Gillingham ( with 104,157 residents and 0.20%% of the population of England ) has Medwayers that deal with similar problems as any other Kent resident - and that includes problems with alcohol addiction.

If you are staying in or near the town of Gillingham and endure a life with alcohol, be assured that you're not alone, and Addiction Helpline counselors are here to help.

With 85,040 Medwayers of drinking age out of it's total populace of 104,157, Nationwide statistics could suggest that for Gillingham:

  • 5,744 Gillingham men are frequent drinkers
  • 3,835 female Medwayers are regular drinkers
  • 9,201 Gillingham females and males are drinking alcohol to excess
  • With 17,140 Medwayers in the town of 65 and over, 1,934 men in Gillingham aged sixty five and older are expected to drink frequently with 1,223 female Medwayers of similar age also consuming alcohol frequently .
  • 3,085 Medwayers aged sixty five and over drunk alcohol on at least 5 days or more in the week before : more than any other group
  • 514 Medwayers of pensionable age that may be very heavy drinkers
  • 1,985 school children in Gillingham could have consumed alcohol in the last 7 days
  • 579 11-15 year old Medwayers in the town drink regularily every week
  • 33 eleven year olds in Gillingham think it is acceptable to drink alcohol weekly.
  • 584 15 year old Medwayers think it is acceptable to get drunk once a week
  • 1,322 16-24 males in Gillingham may be drinking more than 2x the medical alcohol intake guidelines.
  • 1,124 sixteen to twenty four year olds could also be exceeding safe drinking recommendations
  • 3,309 16-24 year old Medwayers have drunk too much on at least one occasion in the last 7 days.


  1. Office for National Statistics - Marriages in England and Wales (Provisional)
  2. Health and Social Care Information Centre - Statistics on Alcohol: England, 2013
  3. Office for National Statistics - Drinking Habits Amongst Adults, 2012
  4. Relate - Separation and Divorce Statistics
  5. Drink Aware
  6. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcohol Rehab in Gillingham

If you stay in Gillingham in Kent and are looking to enter alcohol rehab, you can phone AH this instant for immediate guidance. Email Addiction Helpline in confidence using the form on this page. Our Gillingham support line is open to everyone, including family members, friends, managers and workmates who find themselves concerned that in which addiction is affecting someone they care about. Calls to our Gillingham services are confidential. Addiction Helpline will never share details about you about you with anyone else. Our Gillingham addiction advisory staff are knowledgable to help with any type of alcohol related challenge.

Addiction Helpline alcohol rehab services include:

  • Alcohol Rehab: fast access to a rehabilitation clinic in or near Gillingham ( within 24hrs )
  • Counselling: At home counselling service in Gillingham
  • Kent Home Detox: At home outpatient drug based alcohol treatment plan
  • Kent Alcohol Guidance: Advice on all Gillingham based addiction services
  • We can help Medwayers bypass Kent local health board red tape and get you rapid expert assistance and support.
  • Kent Residential Detox: Residential inpatient alcohol detox programs in Gillingham

Make today the day you rescue yourself or someone you love. You are one quick phonecall away from support.

Call 0808 16 39 632 to speak to an advisor, right now.

Addiction Treatment Guide

[column size=”1-2″ last=”0″ style=”0″]

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction affects million of people every year across the UK from every walk of live from teenagers experimenting with drugs to professionals like lawyers, doctors and city officials who have been known to use drugs in the workplace. To get an understanding of drug addiction the first thing you should do is understand the facts of why the addiction is so widespread then look for the signs of drug addiction.

Once an addiction to drugs has been discovered the most efficient way of  finding long term success is to take part in a drug detox & drug rehab program. [/column] [column size=”1-2″ last=”1″ style=”0″]

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a huge problem in the UK due to the easy accessibility of cheap alcohol oh any street corner or supermarket. The good news is a range of alcohol addiction treatment options are available in the UK from counselling  with alcoholic anonymous groups right up to alcohol rehab centres which often provide the best chance of long term success. Our alcohol addiction team are very experienced in finding the correct treatment for anyone affected by alcohol addiction and as always all calls are 100% free and completely confidential. [/column]

Once any rehab treatment or outpatient treatment is completed we offer a full  extended care service.

Find the Right Treatment for Addiction

There are different approaches to addiction recovery, and in order for you to have the best possible chance at success you will need to choose the one that is most appropriate for you. It is important to always keep in mind that the key factor in determining whether you will be able to achieve lasting sobriety will be your own determination. If you are in any way ambivalent towards recovery, by still holding onto the hope that you will one day be able to use alcohol or drugs safely again, it will be doubtful that any treatment option will work for you. Therefore, while it is true that it is best for you to find a suitable addiction treatment approach, the key ingredient will always be you.

The Need for Addiction Treatments for Recovery

Things would be much easier if there was one approach to recovery that worked for everyone. The reality is that so far such an approach has not been found, and this means that different treatments have become available to suit different types of people. This need for different paths away from addiction is reflected in treatments offered by rehab programmes – although some will offer an eclectic mix of approaches.

As mentioned above, the most important factor, when it comes to walking away from addiction, will be the person’s own determination, but the type of treatment they choose will also play a major role. If the individual chooses an approach that is not really suitable for their needs, they may resist what is being offered or just not connect with it. An example of this would be the 12 Step programme. This approach is used by many rehabs because it has such a good track record of helping people break away from addiction permanently. There will be people, though, who are resistant to the spiritual emphasis of this type of approach, and they may well do better by choosing something such as a cognitive behavioural therapy path.

It is important to keep in mind that there is no right or wrong path to recovery – just the path that is going to work best for each person. Our job is to help you decide on the treatment approach that is going to work best for you.

We can discuss your needs and what is available to meet these needs if you call right now on 0808 163 9632.

Examples of the Treatments available for Addiction Recovery

There are many different treatments available to help people break away from addiction problems. Some of the most common approaches that you will see used in rehab will include:

  • Milieu Therapy/therapeutic community/therapeutic environment – all residential rehabs offer this to some extent. It means that you will be staying in an environment that is nurturing and will thus magnify your ability and determination to become sober.
  • Motivational interviewing – this is where a therapist will work with you to increase your self-efficacy (belief in your ability to stay sober). This type of motivational sessions can be of great benefit even to those people who are initially resistant towards recovery.
  • Group therapy – this is common to almost all rehab programmes. It involves all residents sitting around and discussing their issues – they work as a unit to find solutions to problems. Most rehabs will have one group therapy session per day, and some will have more than this.
  • 12 Step Fellowship meetings – even when people are staying in rehab, they may be expected to attend 12 step groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. Some rehabs will even have their own meetings on the premises.
  • 12 Step work – there are many rehabilitation programmes that use the Minnesota Model, and this involves using the tools of the 12 Steps to help people create a firm foundation for their recovery. This could include things like life story and making amends.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy/social learning theory – the tools from these approaches can be used to help the individual gain control over their thought processes.
  • One-to-one therapy is the process where the individual spends time with a therapist. These sessions will be used to discuss the person’s progress, and to dig down to the roots of the addiction.
  • Key worker sessions – in most rehabs the one-to-one session will be carried out by a key worker. This is a member of the therapeutic team that is the named person for the resident throughout their stay – in order words it is with the therapist that they will spend most of the time.
  • Skills workshops – these can include things like assertiveness training and anger management. These workshops are important because many of those who fall into addiction will be lacking important life skills.
  • Relapse prevention workshops – these sessions will help the person avoid the common traps that people fall into when they become sober.
  • Reintegration back to the community workshops – these are very important because the transition from rehab to be home can be a tricky time.
  • Aftercare sessions – it is important that a rehab offers some type of aftercare programme. Those individuals who are following the 12 Steps may find the aftercare they need from the fellowship meetings.
  • Fun activities – fun activities can be an important part of recovery.

As you can see, there are many things to consider in regards to treatment for addiction. With our help, you will be able to find a solution that is most likely to work for you. Do not waste any more time. Telephone us now, or text “help” to 66777 and we will get right back to you.


TAGS: Chattenden, Isle of Sheppey, Maidstone, Rochester, Gillingham, alcohol rehab, home alcohol detox methods, Medway | Ref:80085,040


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0808 163 9632