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Private Detox in Brighton and Hove

Last Updated: November 23rd 2014

Alcohol rehab clinics and counselling in Brighton and Hove and surrounding South East England area. Call 0808 163 9632 for immediate access.

Our organisation is a nationwide nonprofit healthcare service offering Brightonians free 24 hour access in Brighton and Hove to qualified alcohol detoxification counselors. England and the UK's most populated seaside resort, the English city of Brighton and Hove ( with 229,700 residents and 0.43%% of the total recorded population of England ) has Brightonians that deal with the same problems as any other South East England resident - including problems with alcohol addiction.

If you are located in (or close to) the city of Brighton and Hove and have a problem with alcoholism, know that you are not the only one, and that our staff is here to help.

With 187,540 Brightonians that can legally drink out of it's recorded population of 229,700, UK government numbers may indicate that for Brighton and Hove:

  • 12,667 Brighton and Hove males are frequent drinkers
  • 8,458 female Brightonians are habitual drinkers
  • 20,290 Brighton and Hove women and men are very frequent drinkers
  • With 37,799 Brightonians in the city of sixty five and over, 4,264 males in Brighton and Hove aged 65 and older are expected to drink habitually with 2,696 female Brightonians of similar age also consuming alcohol regularly .
  • 6,804 Brightonians aged sixty five and over drunk alcohol on five or more days in the last 7 days ; a higher number than any other group
  • 1,134 Brightonians over 65 that may be heavy drinkers
  • 4,378 school children in Brighton and Hove could have consumed alcohol in the past week
  • 1,276 11-15 year old Brightonians in the city drink weekly
  • 73 eleven year olds in Brighton and Hove think it is acceptable to drink alcohol weekly.
  • 1,287 15 year old Brightonians think it is okay to get drunk once a week
  • 2,916 16-24 men-folk in Brighton and Hove may be consuming over double the government alcohol intake guidelines.
  • 2,478 16-24 year olds could also be drinking to excess
  • 7,296 16-24 year old Brightonians have perhaps drunk very heavily at least once in the previous week.


  1. Office for National Statistics - Marriages in England and Wales (Provisional)
  2. Health and Social Care Information Centre - Statistics on Alcohol: England, 2013
  3. Office for National Statistics - Drinking Habits Amongst Adults, 2012
  4. Relate - Separation and Divorce Statistics
  5. Drink Aware
  6. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcohol Rehab in Brighton and Hove

If you are resident in Brighton and Hove in South East England and are looking to enter alcohol rehabilition, you can phone AH this minute for instant advice. Contact us in private using the form on this page. Our Brighton and Hove support line is open to anyone, including members of family, friends, managers and colleagues who are concerned that in which alcoholism is ruining a person they care for. Calls to our Brighton and Hove services are strictly confidential. We will not ever share details about you you provide with any third party. Our Brighton and Hove addiction help staff are professional to help with any type of addiction related issue.

AH alcohol rehabilitation services include:

  • Alcohol Rehab: rapid access to a rehab clinic in Brighton and Hove ( in under 24 hrs )
  • Counselling: At home counselling service in Brighton and Hove
  • South East England Home Detox: At home outpatient drug based detox plans
  • South East England Alcohol Guidance: Guidance on Brighton and Hove based addiction services
  • Addiction Helpline (AH) can help Brightonians cut out the South East England health board red tape and plan for you immediate professional aid.
  • South East England Residential Detox: Residential in-patient detoxification plans in Brighton and Hove

Make today the day you save yourself or someone you love. You're only a five minute phonecall away from support.

Contact us on 0808 163 9632 to talk to a member of our team, right now.


Drug & Alcohol Rehab Brighton

Do You Require Addiction Treatment Help in Brighton?

If you are looking for addiction treatment options for yourself, or for a loved one, there are some good options available in the Brighton area. These days there are many different approaches when it comes to this type of recovery programme, and this means that there is something to suit every type of substance abuser. This also means that in order to get the best results the individual will need to choose the solution that is most likely to work for them. Our team of experts specialises in addiction treatment planning and rehab placements. You can call us now, or just text the word “help” to 66777 to find out about how we can help you break away from addiction for good.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Rehab

The most effective type of option available for people caught in addiction is the residential rehabilitation programme. This is where they individual enters a programme for a set period of time. It means that they will be staying in a therapeutic environment where they will be able to put all their focus on getting better. The individual will also be surrounded by the resources and addiction experts that will help them break away from substance abuse for good. The aim of all the rehabs is the same, but they will differ in how they go about achieving this goal. There is no one approach that seems to work for everyone, so the trick seems to be to find the approach that is most likely to work for the individual. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a rehab:

  • · If the individual is not serious about ending their addiction problems, it will be very difficult for them to get much out of any rehab. Staying in this type of facility can greatly increase a person’s motivation, but not if they feel completely resistant to the idea of getting better.
  • · The programmes can differ in how long they last for, with the average being about 90 days. It is possible to stay in this type of programme for up to two years, but most people will be able to return to normal living within a shorter time period – a great deal depends on the seriousness of the addiction and the number of years the person was addicted for. There is also some good evidence that suggest that the longer the duration of the rehab, the more successful the outcome is likely to be.
  • · Each of these rehabs will have their own philosophy, and this will determine the type of treatment they offer and the general ethos of the establishment. One of the most common philosophies used in rehabs in the UK is referred to as the Minnesota Model and it is based on the 12 Steps as used by groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. If people do not believe that this type of approach is going to work for them, they may benefit from trying a rehab with a different type of philosophy.
  • · These facilities differ in the level of comfort that they are able to offer clients – although most places will offer a reasonably high level of luxury. If people want to have extra comfort, they will be advised to go private. This will also mean that they will benefit from things such as private rooms and en suite facilities.

We Can Help You Find a Rehab in Brighton

When you call us we will listen to your situation, and we will then be able to make some suggestions based on your needs. You will not be obligated to take any action just because you called us, but if you do decide to get help, we will be able to arrange everything for you. If you are in the Brighton area, call us right now on 0800 140 4824 to get started in this new and better way of living.

TAGS: Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Bognor Regis, Brighton and Hove, alcohol rehab, alcohol detox, East Sussex | Ref:693187,540

Brighton and Hove

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